PharmaSafe at ISPE Mid-Year Meeting

Postdoc Vera Mitter and PhD student Milica Zugic attended the 2023 International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Mid-Year Meeting.

Photo credit: Private

The theme of this year’s meeting was RWD Pandemonium During a Pandemic: Lessons for Future RWE Generation and Decision Making? The plenary sessions included publishing during the pandemic, implications of covid infection and pandemic conditions on real-world data, post-authorization safety monitoring, precision medicine using real-world data, and the push the pandemic gave the epidemiologists and the necessary innovations.

PharmaSafe was represented by Vera’s poster Identification and characterization of migraine around pregnancy in population based registries and Milica’s talk Preventative association of antidepressant treatment in pregnant women with eating disorders on antenatal mental outcomes - results from MoBa.

Photo credit: Private








Published May 24, 2023 2:19 PM - Last modified May 24, 2023 2:19 PM