PharmaSafe's Anne Gerd Granås and collaborators receive funding from The Norwegian Research Council

Anne Gerd Granås and collaborators receive NOK 7 million for research on drug handling for people with intellectual disability,

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Photo: UiO

Prof. Anne Gerd Granås and collaborators have been awarded innovation funds from the Norwegian Research Council for the research project "Correct use of medications by individuals with intellectual disability - it's about saving lives". The project is lead by the municipality of Vestvågøy, part of the beautiful Lofoten islands located in Northern Norway.

"Medication reviews and medication management in people with intellectual disabilities is a topic close to my heart. ID research in Norway is scarce, so this project will be an important contribution to new knowledge and innovation," Prof. Granås wrote after being notified of the award. The project will research how to improve medication handling for individuals with intellectual disability that live independently in a supported setting. The overarching goal of the project is to provide new safe and effective medication handling processes that will become part of a future facility for supported independent living for people with intellectual disability.

Click here to read the press release from the Norwegian Research Council (in Norwegian).

Click here to read more about the need for innovation in municipal health and care services in Norway (in Norwegian).

Click here to read more about the project (in Norwegian).


Published Feb. 24, 2023 1:09 PM - Last modified June 2, 2023 9:26 AM