Liv Vidas joins PharmaSafe!

Please join us in welcoming our newest PhD candidate, Liv Vidas! Read below for an introduction to her and her background.

I completed my Master's degree in Pharmacy from the University of Oslo in 2020, followed with a Bachelor's in Health Management and Health Economics in 2022, where I specialised in social economics. My master's thesis was twofold, focusing on intravenous medication compatibility for premature infants in NICU and conducting interviews with NICU nurses.

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My professional journey which conducts of four years of experience as a community pharmacist across multiple pharmacies in Norway, three of which I served as a manager,  has developed an interest for advancing pharmaceutical services and exploring the pharmacist's role in community health as well as broader societal impacts.



I am eager to contribute meaningfully to both academic discourse and practical healthcare solutions. My goal is to utilise my expertise and experiences to drive positive change in pharmacy practice, ultimately enhancing patient care and community health outcomes.


I am looking forward to contribute to the PharmaSafe group as a PhD research fellow, as well as getting to know members of the group. In my leisure time I enjoy hiking and mushroom hunting, as well as various handcrafts such as knitting and sewing.

Published Apr. 16, 2024 1:54 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 1:54 PM