News - Page 11

Publisert 30. mars 2015 15:36

Social pharmacy is a small discipline with few researchers and environments in Norway. Therefore, Karin Svensberg from Pharmasafe and collages in Norway and Denmark decided to arrange a Scandinavian meeting/course in Copenhagen with PhD students primarily taking their thesis in the field of pharmaceutical policy or practice research. The aim was to network and to have informal discussions on methods and research with each other. Read more here.

Published Mar. 11, 2015 3:47 PM

A new study from the “Multinational Medication Use in Pregnancy Study” has been published. Researcher from Pharmasafe and the University of Belgrade found that the Serbian translation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) showed good consistency and good model characteristics in pregnant and postpartum women. High level of depression symptoms (score ≥13) was recorded in 27.6% and 24.8% (p>0.05) of pregnant and postpartum women, respectively.

Link to paper:

Published Mar. 11, 2015 3:44 PM

Optimal treatment of psychiatric disorders during pregnancy is of utmost importance to ensure maternal-fetal health. In this study, we found that 48.8% of women demonstrated low adherence to pharmacotherapy during pregnancy. Life-style factors, risk perception, depressive symptoms and individual beliefs are important factors related to adherence to psychotropic medication in pregnancy.

Link to paper:

Publisert 11. mars 2015 10:52

Apokus ønsker å øke farmasøyters kompetanse knyttet til to viktige kundegrupper på apoteket: mor og barn. Hedvig Nordeng, professor ved Farmasøytisk institutt og leder av Pharmasafe, kommer støtte opp deltakerne gjennom den 8 uker lange stafetten.

Published Feb. 25, 2015 4:49 PM

Pharmacist-patient communication around prescription medications can optimize treatment outcomes. Society's expectations of pharmacist-patient communication around medications can be expressed in legislation, economic incentives, and authority control. In this study, the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden provide the legislative examples and can be used as a platform to discuss how society's expectations, professional visions, and practice are aligning.

Read more here

Publisert 22. jan. 2015 16:18

I alt starter 13 nye masterstudenter hos oss i 2015 på tema blant annet innen legemiddelinformasjon, farmasøytens rolle i primærapotek, pasienters oppfatning og holdning til forskjellige legemidler, og forskjeller i årsak til sykefravær i svangerskapet i Europa.