PharmaTox PhD and postdoc seminar

PharmaTox arranged a seminar March 24th.

The aim of the seminar was for the PhD students, postdocs and supervisors to meet, and to learn more about two topics which are relevant for the research done within the PharmaTox group: causal inference and requirements for testing possible neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity of drugs. The invited speakers were Jon Micahel Gran (Associate Professor, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences) and Anne Soleng (Senior Adviser, Norwegian Medicines Agency). Thank you for very interesting talks! 

Jon Michael Gran talking about causal inference. Photo: Haakon Egdetveit Nustad. 
Anne Soleng presenting requirements for testing possible toxicity of drugs. Photo: Haakon Egdetveit Nustad.
Photo: Haakon Egdetveit Nustad.

Published Mar. 30, 2017 11:15 AM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2017 11:21 AM