Seminar at Sunvolden

PharmaTox at MN´s Strategic Research Initiatives Seminar

PharmaTox members at Sundvolden. 

Photo: private

Several PharmaTox members participated in the Faculty of MN organized seminar on the faculty’s Strategic Research Initiatives at Sundvollden Hotel, Sundvollen, during 7-8 March. Following the welcoming address by Dean Morten Dæhlen in the morning of the first day, Professor Arild Waaler (Leader of SIRIUS) and Professor Trond Torsvik (Former leader of CEED) delivered inspirational talks. In the afternoon and most of the second day, participants conducted discussions divided in two groups, the supervisors and the PhDs & postdocs. The primary aim of the supervisors group discussion was to generate input to MN´s strategy work while the PhDs and postdocs were primarily engaged in exercises to generate multidisciplinary research ideas and projects based on the UN sustainable development goals and considering the competencies of the members of the subgroup. The Seminar was closed on the second day after presentations of reports form some supervisor subgroups, pitching of 9 PhDs and postdocs subgroup projects and selection of the best among the PhDs and postdocs projects.

Published Mar. 12, 2018 8:54 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2018 8:54 PM