Microextraction research – waste of time?

Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard, November 15 2018

Justification of research is important, and in this perspective, it is fair to ask: Why we are doing fundamental research on microextraction technologies?


From my point of view, we need to extend the time axis a bit, in order to answer this question. Microextraction techniques slowly move into laboratories worldwide…, and are used in combination with chromatography and mass spectrometry… this is how we do things in Year 2018. However, from current publications in analytical chemistry journals, I am quite sure this picture will be different in Year 2035! In 17 years, people not trained in analytical chemistry will do measurements with smartphone-like devices, in their bedroom, kitchen, car, or office… I am sure you agree – smartphone-like devices are not compatible with blood, they need sample preparation, and this sample preparation cannot be liquid-liquid extraction with a 100-mL separation funnel! This is where microextraction fit, so the research we do today will realize its full potential in Year 2035…

By Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard
Published Nov. 30, 2018 9:25 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2018 10:06 AM