Disputation: Julia Fredrika Alopaeus

Doctoral candidate Julia Fredrika Alopaeus at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Development and evaluation of oromucosal graft co-polymer-based film formulations as patient-centric dosage forms" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Julia Alopaeus

Follow the disputation on Zoom

Trial lecture - time and place

24.03.2023, 10.15, Auditorium 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Recent advances in drug delivery to the oral cavity

Conferral summary

Denne avhandlingen undersøkte kopolymer-baserte oromukosale filmer som ett alternativ til en pasientsentrert doseringsform. Orodispersible og bukkale filmer ble utviklet og evaluert for de relevante karakteristika for en brukervennlig, fleksibel doseringsform.

Main research findings

Patient-centric dosage forms aims to adapt drug products to suit the needs of individual patients and increase flexibility for personalising drug doses. The patient-centric dosage form will ideally increase compliance in individual patients or special patient groups, like paediatric or geriatric patients, by making the administration of medications easier or more comfortable. In this Thesis, oromucosal film formulations of a graft co-polymer, were investigated as potential patient-centric dosage forms. Intrinsic properties of the polymer were successfully mapped and the suitability as a film forming drug-carrier matrix was assessed. Furthermore, enhancing of the basic film properties by increasing mucoadhesion and taste-masking of the bitter tasting drugs, was investigated and the findings were promising. The findings in this Thesis  provide a basis for further optimisation of novel film formulations for clinical applications and advanced research purposes.

Read more (in Norwegian):

Smaken av bitter medisin kan kamuflerast i munnen (Titan, 14.1.2021)
Film med medisin kan brukast av folk som ikkje kan ta tablettar (8.3.2023)

Published Mar. 10, 2023 10:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2023 10:04 AM