Participants in ERC Start Grant "DrugsInPregnancy"

From the University of Oslo

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Hedvig Marie Egeland Nordeng Professor +47 22856604 45033984 Pharmacoepidemiology, Registry-based research, Pharmacovigilance, Pregnancy, Lactation, ERC, Neurotoxicity, Life Science
Angela Lupattelli Professor +47 22 84 55 49 Antidepressants during pregnancy, Pharmacoepidemiology, Adherence
Kristina Gervin Senior Lecturer
Gerd Marie Eskerud Harris
Johanne Naper Trønnes
Lene Maria Sundbakk
Sarah Hjorth Andersen
Helle Wallach Kildemoes

Other participants

  • Mollie Wood (Guest researcher)