International Alliance for PharmacoGenetic Epidemiology Excellence (iAPOGEE)

The purpose of the iAPOGEE consortium is to enhance collaboration within education and research in pharmaco- and genetic epidemiology between the partner universities and institutions.

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A summary of the work packages included in the iAPOGEE consortium, including observational studies (WP1), methods development (WP2), and genetics and teratology (WP3).

By doing so, iAPOGEE will unite researchers who together will be able to move beyond conventional pharmacoepidemiological studies by combining novel, state-of-the-art molecular, quantitative genetic, and causal inference methods with computational resources and clinical expertise, to improve our knowledge about effect and safety of pharmaceuticals in humans in the near future.

We believe that innovation and scientific renewal will emerge through a strong focus on interdisciplinary teamwork, career development, creating an inspiring learning environment, and international leadership. Establishment of the iAPOGEE initiative in collaboration with two world-leading program in epidemiology and biostatistics at McGill and University of Bordeaux, one leading training program in teratology in the US, and two upcoming research environments in in clinical genetics South Africa and Brazil, is in line with this vision.


Funding was obtained through the NFR International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research (INTPART). According to the NFR, "The objective of the INTPART programme is to develop world-class research and education in Norway. The programme will create a framework for expanding cooperation between research groups considered to be at the international forefront today or that are believed to have the potential to become world leaders in their fields in the future." Main collaborators are presented below. Activities include workshops, research, and student mobility, training, course development, and conferences.​


  • The iAPOGEE network brings Kristian Filion to Oslo! May 29, 2024 2:00 PM

    Kristian Filion visits PharmaSafe through our partnership with McGill University in Canada via the iAPOGEE network. Read on to hear more about his project and background!

  • Emma van Wijk visits PharmaSafe May 15, 2024 8:41 PM

    Please join us in welcoming iAPOGEE fellow Emma van Wijk to Oslo! Read on to learn more about her background and research interests.

  • New iAPOGEE guest researcher visits PharmaSafe! May 15, 2024 8:41 PM

    Takamasa Sakai, Assistant Professor at Meijo University in Japan, is visiting PharmaSafe research group for one year to work on a research project about the use of antipsychotics in pregnancy. Read on to hear more about his background.

  • Lin Chieh visits our team! Sep. 7, 2023 9:49 AM

    Please join us in welcoming the iAPOGEE fellow Lin Chieh to Oslo! Read on to learn more about her background and research interests.

  • A new iAPOGEE fellow joins our team! Aug. 11, 2023 12:42 PM

    Join us in welcoming iAPOGEE fellow Margherita Camanni to Oslo! Read on to learn more about her research interests and her motivation for applying for funding from iAPOGEE.

Published June 21, 2021 11:31 AM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2023 2:23 PM


Leader team

Hedvig Nordeng

(Department of Pharmacy)

Eivind Ystrøm

(Department of Psychology)

Geir Kjetil Sandve 

(Department of Informatics)

Senior researcher
Kristina Gervin

(Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital)

Sven Ove Samuelsen
(Department of Mathematics)

External partners

Antoine Pariente
(Team Pharmacoepidemiology, Inserm U1219 Research Center Bordeaux Population Health, University of Bordeaux, France)

Christina Chambers
(Center for Better Beginnings, University of California, USA)

Laura Yates
(KwaZulu-Natal Research, Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP), University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

Lavinia Schuler-Faccini
(Genetics Department, Biosciences Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Robert Platt
(Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health (EBOH), McGill University, Canada)

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Radboud University Medical Center