Disputas: Marthe Fredheim Fjelldal

Ph.d.-kandidat Marthe Fredheim Fjelldal ved Farmasøytisk institutt, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Properties of glutamate receptor subunit GluN2B antagonists and effects of prenatal opioid exposure - studies in chicken and rat" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Portrett av Marthe Fredheim Fjelldal

Prøveforelesning - tid og sted

12.12.2019 10.15, Auditorium 1, Helga Eng

The development of the neural circuitry in the visual and auditory systems: activity-independent and activity-dependent mechanisms and examples on how drugs can affect them,


Jeg har validert kyllingembryo som dyremodell for forskning på inhibitorer for NMDA-reseptorer, i kombinasjon med datamodellering av inhibitor-reseptorkomplekser. Ved hjelp av kylling- og rottemodeller har vi også vist at opioideksponering under fosterutviklingen endrer både funksjon og sammensetning av NMDA-reseptorer.


Probing the brain – chicks, drugs and computer modelling

The NMDA-receptor is a central part of the machinery that enables us to learn, form memories and develop a normal brain. It is expressed all over the central nervous system and is responsible for signalling between nerve cells. Abnormal changes in the expression and location of the NMDARs are associated with neurological disease. Consequently, these receptors are interesting targets for probes and drugs. However, due to their complicated pharmacology, such molecules are scarce and in high demand.

An important ambition in research is to reduce, replace and refine experiments that involve animal models. The use of chicken embryos adheres to these principles. We have therefore validated the chicken embryo as a model for NMDAR research by combining laboratory testing of new antagonists with computer modelling of the antagonist-receptor complexes. This has provided knowledge about the receptor function and the chemical requirements for potent antagonists. After validating the chicken model, we exposed both chicken and rat embryos to opioids during gestation, and found that the exposure affected both NMDAR function and composition. Research on the potential effects of maternal drug use on children is important, considering the worldwide increase of opioid abuse.

Les mer på Titan: Kyllingar, dop og datamodellar


For mer informasjon: Farmasøytisk institutt

Publisert 28. nov. 2019 10:00 - Sist endret 14. feb. 2023 08:36