Focus on skeletal muscle energy metabolism, myokines, insulin resistance and drug targeting

I dette miniseminaret er det mye nytt å lære i relasjon til diabetes og metabolske sykdommer! Professor Juergen Eckel fra German Diabetes Center, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, vil snakke om sine siste forskningsresultater. Fire stipendiater/postdoktorer vil dessuten presentere sin forskning.


Juergen Eckel:
Adipo-Myokines and insulin resistance. (45 min)

Eili T. Kase:
Liver X receptor (LXR) as drug target for metabolic disorders. (30 min)

Short break (15 min)

Natasa Nikolic:
Remodeling of oxidative energy metabolism in myotubes. (30 min)

Marit Hjorth:
Electrical pulse stimulation of myotubes and myokines. (30 min)

Yuan Zeng Feng:
Metabolic effects of PPARδ activation in human myotubes. (30 min)

Short note about Juergen Eckel and his research:
Professor Juergen Eckel is head of the Paul-Langerhans-Group for Integrative Physiology (DDZ, Düsseldorf), which is focusing its research on the relationship between obesity, inflammation, vascular dysfunction and muscle insulin resistance. By using integrative approaches and various primary human cell types such as adipocytes, skeletal muscle cells and vascular cells, they seek to elucidate mechanisms of obesity-associated metabolic diseases. A central point in their research is the identification of factors released by adipose tissue and skeletal muscle that could play a key role in organ crosstalk. Although several adipokines and myokines have been described to be related to obesity and/or physical activity, their physiological mechanisms of action are mostly unknown.


Publisert 14. mars 2013 14:37 - Sist endret 8. apr. 2014 15:05