Disputas: Thomas Elboth

Cand.scient. Thomas Elboth ved Matematisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Noise in marine seismic data


Se prøveforelesning


Professor Yanghua Wang, Imperial College London
Professor Stavros Kassinos, University of Cyprus
Professor Leiv Jacob Gelius, University of Oslo

Leder av disputas:  Professor Atle Jensen

Veileder:  Øyvind Andreassen, Bjørn Anders Pettersson Reif og John Grue


This study is about how to improve the quality of marine seismic data, and thereby make more accurate images of the subsurface geology. Accurate subsurface depictions are important in order to monitor existing oil and gas fields, to explore and find hydrocarbons in new areas, and for future use of subsurface structures to store CO2.
Following a physical description of some of the factors that degrades the quality of marine seismic data, this work follows two different paths.
The first is in the form of a software algorithm that has been developed
and implemented to remove noise from seismic data. A program using this algorithm is in commercial use, and are successfully applied to attenuate various types of noise found in both land, and marine seismic data.
The second path followed to reduce the amount of noise in seismic data
is to use so-called superhydrophobic surfaces. This is in the form of
coating materials that can be applied to seismic hydrophone streamer arrays to reduce
both drag and flow noise. The flow noise reduction capabilities of
superhydrophobic surfaces is a new discovery, which holds great promise.

The work has been financed by the seismic exploration company Fugro Geoteam AS, and the Norwegian Research Council. The work has been carried out in Fugro Geoteam and at FFI.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Robin Bjørnetun Jacobsen.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:35 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2012 10:14