Disputas: Edoardo Jacucci

Edoardo Jacucci ved Institutt for informatikk vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden dr.scient. (doctor scientiarum): Exploring tensions in information systems standardization: two case studies from healthcare in Norway and South Africa


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Kalle Lyytinen, Iris S. Wolstein Professor, Department of Information Systems, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA
Professor Robin Williams, Director, Research Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Associate Professor Christina Mörtberg, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo


This thesis presents an interpretive study of standardization processes related to the development and implementation of Information Systems. Standards and standardization processes are ever more important and pervasive in ISs. Standards range from technical specifications of communication protocols to informal organizational agreements and guidelines. Their scope ranges from the boundaries of a small organizational unit to international standardization committees. Today the development of any information system is made of, based on, related or linked to standards. The development process itself can be seen as a standardization process.

This thesis thus tries to deepen our understanding of the dynamics of IS development as standardization. In particular it tries to address a particular class of problems which has been already identified by previous empirical research and which manifest as paradoxes, side-effects, and non-closure of standardization projects. The research presented here aims at dwelling into this class of problems with the attempt to identify theoretical as well as practical issues which can provide a relevant explanation of the observed dynamics. Based on an empirical base constructed over two case studies from the healthcare sector in Norway and in South Africa, I conduct an analysis of standardization processes and formalize a set of theoretical and practical implications.

From a theoretical point of view the thesis makes three contributions: (1) it contributes to the understanding of the complexities related to standardization processes by developing the concept of tensions; (2) it points to the need and provides an example of how to link micro and macro theorization of standardization processes; (3) it contributes to the discussion on the relation between standards and modernity by pointing to the need to include and understand the multiple modernities of our contemporary society.

Finally, based on these findings and on the theoretical contributions, the thesis seeks to provide a set of recommendations regarding aspects to take into consideration when addressing the management of such tensions in order to improve the outcome of standardization processes.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Narve Trædal.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:40 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2012 10:16