Disputas: Christer Bertel Peltonen

Christer Bertel Peltonen ved Institutt for geofag vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Compaction of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary mudstones offshore Norway; mineralogical control on rock properties


Se prøveforelesning


Dr Paul Nadeau, Statoil
Professor Elen Roaldset, Naturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo
Professor Per Aagaard, Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo

Leder av disputas:  Nils Roar Sælthun

Veileder:  Knut Bjørlykke, Jens Jahren


Norsk versjon:
Dette geologiske studiet fra den norske kontinentalsokkelen inneholder et omfattende datasett med informasjon om sedimentenes sammensetning og fysiske egenskaper. Oppgaven er en del av resultatene til en forskningsgruppe ved Institutt for Geofag, Universitetet i Oslo, og har bidratt til økt forståelse av endringer i sedimenters egenskaper med økende begravningsdyp (kompaksjon). Dette er viktig både i forskningsøyemed og for petroleumsindustrien.

English version:
Enormous potential still exist for oil and gas discovery worldwide, but geoscientist need better tools and knowledge to find the smaller, deeper and more complex fields. This geological study from offshore Norway includes one of the most comprehensive data sets on sediment composition and the relationship to rock properties, and may help petroleum geoscientist with the exploration and production challenges of the future. Rock properties describe the characteristics of sediments, such as velocity, density and porosity (amount of fluid/gas a rock can hold). When sediments are deposited, for example as mud on the sea floor, they have a particular set of properties that will change due to burial (compaction). We have analyzed hundreds of samples ranging from depths just below the sea floor to over 4000m, and have compared their mineralogical and chemical composition with rock properties derived from wireline well-log data. These results were used to examine and identify the controlling factors of rock properties during burial in order to more accurately model and predict them.

This thesis is part of a broad research group at the Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo where geoscientists are trying to better understand the properties of sediments and how they behave during burial. An academic approach to such a broad subject was necessary to establish the fundamentals which may be implemented in petroleum exploration and production. This study was financially supported by Conoco Phillips, Gaz de France, Norsk Hydro and Statoil and facilitated by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD). The results of this study have contributed to an increased understanding of mudstone compaction, which has both principle scientific importance as well as potential implications and practical uses in the petroleum industry.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Anne Innes.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:49 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2012 10:18