Disputas: Weibiao Wang

M.Sc. Weibiao Wang ved Institutt for geofag vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Research on the suitability of asphalt concrete as water barrier in dams and dikes


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Professor Peter Tschernutter, Institut für Wasserbau und Ingenieurhydrologie, Technische Universität Wien, Østerrike
Professor Lars Olav Grande, Institutt for bygg, anlegg og transport, NTNU, Trondheim
Førsteamanuensis Jens Jahren, Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo

Leder av disputas:  Professor Nils Roar Sælthun

Veileder:  Prof. Kaare Hoeg


Dams and dikes play very important roles in providing water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use, in flood control, and in the generation of clean and renewable electric power. However, as dams may hold back large volumes of water, they may represent a hazard and be a threat to populations downstream. Therefore, building dams and dikes economically, but with adequate safety and environmental compatibility, is an extremely important task in most parts of the world.

The results of the studies for the thesis indicate that earth- and rockfill embankment dams with asphalt concrete barriers can safely be built, also in very cold areas, in seismic regions with strong earthquakes, and on compressible foundations. Asphalt concrete can be "tailored" to be watertight, flexible, ductile and earthquake resistant.

For the thesis, extensive series of laboratory tests were carried out at the Xi'an University of Technology, China and at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) in Oslo. Field tests were performed at the site of the Yele Dam, China and at the Kolo Veidekke a.s. field test station in Norway. The thesis includes several actual case studies to evaluate the field behaviour of dams using asphalt concrete barriers. Asphalt concrete was used as the impervious core in the Storglomvatn Dam (125 m high, Svartisen , Norway), and field instrumentation documents excellent performance of the dam. The Yele rockfill dam (124 m high) in China is located in a very cold and seismic region (Sichuan Province) on complex and compressible foundation conditions. The dam was completed in 2005, and field monitoring shows very good performance of the asphalt barrier.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Anita Sørlie.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:53 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2012 10:20