Events - Page 17

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Guro Marie Wyller at the Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

Experimental investigations of monosilane pyrolysis

for the degree of PhD

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Guro Marie Wyller at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

“Advantages and limitations of silicon photovoltaics”

Time and place: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Anastasiia Filimonova, Univ. of Heidelberg

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the SDI seminar series.

Time and place: , Ø434, Physics Building

Trial lecture for the announced position as Associate professor in structure physics/TEM.

Time and place: , Origo

By Dr. Theodossis A.Theodossiou,

Dept. of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital.

Time and place: , Kristian Birkeland aud, Physics Building

Trial lecture for the announced position as Associate professor in structure physics/TEM.

Time and place: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Michael Kraemer, RWTH Aachen

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the SDI seminar series.

Time and place: , Seminar room FV414, The Physics Building

Assistant professor David Wallis, of Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University will present a new model for transient creep of olivine.

Time and place: , Ø434, Physics Building

Trial lecture for the announced position as Associate professor in structure physics/TEM.

Time and place: , Seminar room V414, Physics building

At the poster session we will have a look at some of our researchers' most recent posters and our new junior researchers will present their themselves and their projects.

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Jørgen Eriksson Midtbø at the Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

The low-energy enhancement

An experimental and theoretical study of nuclear

level densities and γ-ray strength functions


for the degree of PhD

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs hus

Anette Hauge at the Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“The tumor microenvironment and its assessment with DCE-MRI and DW-MRI”

for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae (dr.philos.).

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Jørgen Eriksson Midtbø at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches for Applications Beyond Nuclear Physics Research"

Time and place: , Lille fys aud, Physics buikding

Trial lecture for announced position as Associate professor in low-energy nuclear physics.

Time and place: , Aud. 1, Pharmacy building

Trial lecture for announced position as Associate professor in low-energy nuclear physics.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus

Anette Hauge at the Department of Physics will give two trial lectures:


Topic chosen by the candidate at 10:15:

"Antifibrotic therapy to normalize the tumor microenvironment"


Topic given by Committee at 11:15:

"MR-PET, PET-CT, or MR-Linac:

my choice to enhance precision oncology"


Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Huy M. Hoang at the Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"High-Spatial-resolution electron density measurements using the needle Langmuir system on different space platforms"

for the degree of PhD

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Huy M. Hoang at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Small spacecraft: Possibilities and limitations"

Time and place: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Jake Gordin, FI

Weekly Theory Seminar.

Time and place: , Kelvin (FV316), the Physics building

Quirine Krol, postdoc at ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) visits PoreLab and will hold a talk on snowflakes, on Thursday October 18.

Time and place: , Fysikkbygningen, seminar room V414

Eijsink is a visiting scholar at Njord and a PhD candidate at MARUM Research Faculty, Universität Bremen.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs Hus

Tarjei Bondevik at the Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 


"Grain boundaries in a BaZrO3-based proton conductor  A theoretical and experimental study on atomic scale"


for the degree of PhD

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus

Tarjei Bondevik at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Emerging properties of ferroelectric domain walls"

Time and place: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Timon Emken, Chalmers (Gothenburg)

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the SDI seminar series.

Time and place: , Seminar room V414

Njord's associate professor, Jessica McBeck, will present findings from a recently accepted article.