Events - Page 8

Time and place: , Meet Ullevaal

The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.

Time and place: , Meet Ullevaal

The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.

Time and place: ,

Arnold Mathijssen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania.

Time and place: , Origo, Physics building

Felleskollokvium by Heidi Sandaker, Head of the Norwegian Center for CERN-related research (NorCC)

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Oslo Science Park, Forum auditorium

We welcome companies and students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to the matchmaking event. After the event, the students can apply for summer jobs in the companies.

Time and place: ,

Vivek Prakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, and a secondary faculty in the Departments of Biology, and Marine Biology & Ecology (RSMAS) at the University of Miami. 

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Zoom

We invite you to an informative webinar on FAIRmat with Claudia Draxl and Christoph Koch from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Time and place: , Theory common area (4th floor, east wing)

Gunnar F. Lange, Cambridge

Weekly Theory Seminar.

Time and place: , Youtube

Join us for the fourth dScience Brain Talk webinar with guest speakers Anders Hjort and Jamilur Rahman.

Time and place: ,

Matej Pec is a Victor P. Starr CD Assistant Professor at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences

Time and place: , Theory common area (4th floor, east wing)

Johannes Skaar, FI

Weekly Theory Seminar.

Time and place: , Zoom via Facebook event

We welcome students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to a digital information meeting about the internship programme and the possibility of applying for summer jobs in companies.

Time and place: , dScience lounge

Welcome to the dScience Breakfast Club, where researchers and others working within the thematic field can meet and discuss a chosen topic.

Time and place: , Youtube

Learn about testing and improving the robustness of self-driving cars using Adversarial Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Time and place: , Origo, Physics building

by prof. Holger von Wenckstern

Department of Physics, UiO

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Zoom

We invite you to an informative webinar on computational performance challenges at dScience.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , dScience lounge

Welcome to the dScience Breakfast Club, where researchers and others working within the thematic field can meet and discuss a chosen topic.

Time and place: ,


Freysteinn Sigmundsson is a research professor at the Nordic Volcanological Center within the Institute of Earth Sciences at University of Iceland.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Youtube

Join us for the second dScience Brain Talk on 18th November.

Time and place: ,

Njord Seminar with talks by:

Timo Koch (Department of Mathematics, UiO): "Network models for flow and transport in porous media including exchange processes".