Anders Kvellestad

Researcher - Theoretical Physics
Image of Anders Kvellestad
Norwegian version of this page
Room Ø447
Visiting address Sem Sælands vei 24 Fysikkbygningen 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1048 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Academic Interests

I study extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, focusing on supersymmetry and theories with additional Higgs bosons. I'm particularly interested in how such theories can be tested experimentally at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, and the interplay between LHC results and theoretical requirements for explaining dark matter and the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe.

Related topics that interest me are how different statistical methods (both Bayesian and frequentist) can be used to squeeze the maximum amount of information from the results of the wide range of particle and astroparticle physics experiments, and how machine learning techniques can be utilized in particle physics, in particular for fast simulations and data analysis.

The project I spend most of my time on is GAMBIT (the Global And Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool), which I currently lead. We are a large community of particle and astroparticle theorists and experimentalists, as well as experts on statistics and scientific computing, from all around the globe. Together we have developed a highly modular and efficient software package for performing large-scale statistical analyses ("global fits") of new particle physics theories. The GAMBIT code is of course fully open source, available from both our webpage and GitHub. In addition to developing GAMBIT and making it available to the community, we are using GAMBIT ourselves for our own physics studies. A list of GAMBIT publications can be found here — and more results are in the pipeline.

Even though GAMBIT is developed mainly by particle physicists, we have structured the code such that it can just as well be used for computationally heavy statistical analyses (parameter estimation and model comparison) in other fields of science. If you think GAMBIT might be useful for your research, don't hesitate to send me an email. GAMBIT provides a collection of parallelized optimization algorithms (differential evolution, nested sampling, MCMC, ...) and a framework for connecting these algorithms to model-specific tools implemented in C, C++, Pyhton, Fortran or Mathematica. It is also possible to use an additional layer of parallelization to speed up the model-specific computations.

Another software project I am part of is xsec, which is a nifty little machine learning-based tool for fast evaluation of LHC cross-sections.


An up-to-date overview of my scientific publications can be found on

Software projects

Recent scientific talks


  • Fall 2023: FYS3150/FYS4150 — Computational Physics
  • Spring 2023: CompSci PhD program: Lecture series on Bayesian statistics and Gaussian process regression
  • Fall 2022: FYS3150/FYS4150 — Computational Physics
  • Spring 2022: CompSci PhD program: Lecture series on Bayesian statistics and Gaussian process regression
  • Fall 2021: FYS3150/FYS4150 — Computational Physics
  • Fall 2020: FYS3150/FYS4150 — Computational Physics

Outreach and media

Most of the media linked below is in Norwegian.


Texts, radio, podcasts, presentations, ...

  • A feature story plus podcast on NRK about the simulation hypothesis (which I critique). Date: 17.12.23
  • I sometimes participate in the science panel of the Norwegian radio show "Abel's Tower" on NRK, most recently on 08.12.23, 03.02.23 and 07.10.22. (For a fairly complete list of NRK radio appearances, see here.)
  • I contributed to a NRK radio series about artificial intelligence, discussing the use of machine learning in particle physics. Date: 22.03.24
  • I have written for the "Question of the week" column in Morgenbladet:
    • 23.10.23, on reductionism and interpretations of quantum physics.
    • 14.12.22, on thermodynamics vs exponentially growing Christmas consumption.
    • 18.08.22, on electric bicycles and the decline of society.
    • 18.05.22, on Norway's Constitution Day and the limits of reductionism.
    • 20.10.21, on logarithmic scales.
    • 02.06.21, on time and entropy.
    • 24.02.21, on symmetries and what physics does (not) depend on.
    • 16.12.20, on "cell yell" and video meetings.
    • 17.11.20, on social distancing and optimization in physics.
  • Seminar at OsloMet: "Probabilities, quantum states and physics from the first-person perspective" (slides). Date: 28.06.24
  • Short talk at UiO Open Day: "Det rareste jeg vet: Kvantefysikkens tolkningsproblem!" (slides). Date: 07.03.24
  • A pop-sci talk at Young Researchers' Night 2023 titled "What is energy?" (slides). Date: 29.09.23
  • Three episodes (episode one, two and nine) of the podcast "Good Physics" by Ida Storehaug, where we discussed the question of what particles really are and various interpretations of quantum mechanics. Date: 26.01.22
  • A podcast by The Young Academy of Norway about working as a young researcher, work-life balance, etc. Date: 12.12.21
  • A podcast panel discussion on faith and science at The Norwegian Theater, recorded on stage after the play The God Particle. Date: 27.11.21
  • An interview in Framtida Junior (an online newspaper for children) about life as a researcher. Date: 21.10.21
  • A pop-sci talk at NFK 2021 about the interpretation of quantum mechanics (slides). Date: 11.09.21
  • Two short news stories (20.05.21 and 11.12.23) by Sigma2 about GAMBIT and how we use high-performance computing in our research.
  • An interview in Khrono about the postdoc system in Norway. Date: 21.01.21
  • I was on Gaute Einevoll's podcast "Sense and Science" talking about interpretations of quantum mechanics. Date: 17.01.21
  • I gave a pub lecture for physics students in Bergen about the interpretation of quantum mechanics (slides). Date: 27.11.20
  • An interview in about the connection between theoretical and experimental research in particle physics. Date: 10.10.20
  • An interview with Khrono about the about the status and future of collider experiments in particle physics. Date: 26.10.19
  • A talk at the Norwegian CERN media visit 2019 on current hot topics in particle physics (slides). Date: 15.10.19
  • I gave a popular science introduction to dark matter at the Norwegian Physical Society meeting 2019 (slides). Date: 07.08.19
  • Contributed to an article about quantum fields and particles. Date: 06.03.19
  • An interview on open access publishing and the use of preprints. Date: 27.10.17
  • "Tumbling down a quantum rabbit hole". An essay published in Mentsch Magazine on a very strange but deeply fascinating interpretation of quantum mechanics. Date: 29.09.17

Other stuff

I'm a member of The Norwegian Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology Theory Network and The Young Academy of Norway.

Education and employment history

  • 2023 - current: Researcher and Lecturer, University of Oslo
  • 2019 - 2023: Postdoc, University of Oslo
  • 2018 - 2019: Research Associate, Imperial College London
  • 2017 - 2018: Researcher, University of Oslo
  • 2015 - 2017: Fellow, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita), Stockholm
  • 2011 - 2015: Ph.D., University of Oslo
  • 2009 - 2011: M.Sc., University of Bergen
  • 2006 - 2009: B.Sc., University of Bergen and University of Copenhagen
Tags: theoretical physics, particle physics, CERN, LHC, supersymmetry, Higgs, dark matter, high-performance computing, machine learning, GAMBIT

Selected publications

An up-to-date overview of my scientific publications can be found on

Published Sep. 12, 2011 3:20 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 7:02 PM