Fluctuations in nucleation and cavity formation

Movie S3 in Supporting Information for Crystal growth in confinement

Fluctuations in nucleation and cavity formation. Timelapse movie of average subtracted RICM images at 1 min interval. Same crystal as in Movies S1 and S2 and Fig. S4 A and B at supersaturation \(\sigma=\)0.06. The crystal size increases during the movie thus increasing the diffusion time and the criterium for cavity formation is fulfilled: \(4\Theta_{eq}\sigma <JL^4/D\). Fluctuations in nucleation frequency causes fluctuations in the stability of the cavity. A cross-section versus time of this movie is displayed in Fig S4.

Published June 17, 2022 12:25 PM - Last modified June 17, 2022 12:25 PM