Vortices in superfluid BEC's

Weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensates exhibit superfluid behavior, where the condensed atoms flow collectively without experiencing viscous dissipation or drag. Superfluid flow is sustained at flow fields below a critical value, known as the Landau criterion. When the flow speed exceeds this critical value, phonon excitations or vortices are generated, inducing a local drag and energy dissipation.

When a stirring potential is both sufficiently large and moves at a high enough speed, it sheds quantum vortices analogous to a vortex wake behind the wings of a flying airplane. However, a quantum vortex carries a quantised angular momentum and has localised stable core masking the topology singularity in the condensate phase. Quantum vortices generate persistent superfluid vorticity and through vortex clusterings sustain quantum turbulence with energy cascades across scales.

Within the Gross-Pitaevskii theory, we explore different superfluid flow regimes in weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates stirred by a moving obstacle. In particular, we study vortex dynamics leading to quantum turbulence, vortex nucleation and shedding, compressibility effects on turbulent energy cascades and vortex reconnection events. 

PhD project of Jonas Rønning on vortex nucleation and shedding 

MSc project of Henrik Haugerud Carlsen on reconnection events of vortex lines and loops   

MSc project of Vebjørn Øvereng on the compressible effects on energy cascades in quantum turbulence

MSc project of Jonas Rønning on drag and inertial forces acting on submerged impurity 




Published July 25, 2023 3:39 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2023 10:17 AM