Norwegian version of this page


The electronics section focuses on Instrumentation and Measurement Science. The group conducts basic and applied research in areas such as detectors for CERN, instrumentation for sounding rockets and space physics, hydroacoustics and medical technology.

About the section

We do basic and applied research and collaborate with local experimental research groups and with external institutes and companies, developing instrumentation and smart sensors for a wide range of fields, such as CERN research, the Oslo bioimpedance group, biomedical instrumentation, space technology and hydroacoustics. 

The section is a member of:


Employees november 2023
Employees november 2023 (Ola Borrebæk was not present when the image was taken)


Published Nov. 10, 2010 3:31 PM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 11:51 AM


Section leader: Ørjan G. Martinsen


List all participants
