Access and prices

The UiO MiNaLab offers open laboratory access for fabrication, characterization and collaborative research to all students and scientists at the University of Oslo, to the broader (public) research community in Norway and the EU, as well as industry and start-up professionals.

Cleanroom coats
Photo: Quique Bayarri.

Our services

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  • Open access to to MiNaLab’s wide range of equipment (after training) and expertise.
  • Free cleanroom and instrument training of new users for independent use of the facility.


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  • Access to and use of the facility by an academic researcher within a research collaboration project.
  • Direct access to the facility using an operator from UiO MiNaLab (limited capacity).
  • Direct access to the facilities by the company’s operator (after training).


All publications resulting from work carried out at UiO MiNaLab should include the following acknowledgment:

"The Research Council of Norway is acknowledged for the support to UiO MiNaLab as part of the Norwegian Micro- and Nanofabrication Facility, NorFab, project number 295864.”


UiO MiNaLab’s price structure is based on the costs for use of the infrastructure and it is divided in:

  • Instrument costs, hourly-rates charges.
  • Operator services on hourly rates (optional, limited capacity).
  • No cleanroom and instrument training costs. Currently covered by NorFab.

The hourly rate for each instrument can be found under Focus Area & Technology and the instrument of interest.

Flat rates

Flat rates give academic users the possibility to cover long-term use of the UiO MiNaLab infrastructure, using an easy-to-plan and easy-to-use approach. Flat rates are 150.000 NOK/year for Ph.D. students or Postdocs, charged for a maximum of three (3) years. Flat rates are offered on a yearly basis. No operator services and noble metals additional costs are included. Some restrictions apply, please contact the MiNaLab administration.

Researcher working at the lithography room
Photo: Quique Bayarri.