Disputation: Abbas Tariverdi

Abbas Tariverdi will defend his thesis “Modeling and Control of a Continuum Manipulator for Clinical Automation” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

portrait of the candidate

The PhD defence and trial lecture will be streamed. The chair of the defence will moderate the disputation. 

Ex auditorio questions:  the chair of the defence will invite the audience physically present in the auditorium to ask ex auditorio questions.

→ Live streaming of trial lecture and disputation 


→ Request for thesis copy (available until the disputation starts)

Trial lecture

Time and place: February 16, 2024; 10:15 AM, Lille Fysiske Auditorium (V232) - Fysikkbygningen

Title: "Autonomy and semi-autonomy in robotic surgery: future perspectives" 

Main research findings

A challenge in vascular surgeries is the precise positioning of catheters. Robotic systems, especially flexible soft/serial-link robots, might be employed to assist surgeons during catheterizations by providing better hand-eye coordination and more reliable dexterity, especially in deep-seated regions within the human body. This dissertation aims to advance the modeling and control of catheterizations coupled with magnetic actuation. Although magnetically-actuated catheters/guidewires are structurally simpler than comparable devices, such magnetic tools exhibit complex mechanical behavior. This thesis focuses on how these dynamics can be analyzed in potentially clinically-relevant applications. The contributions are twofold and are presented in the form of two research questions. This dissertation suggests approaches to i) modeling the behavior of continuum manipulators and ii) devising control algorithms to enable their steering. A novel approach is presented to derive models for complex mechanisms with large deformations that respects their intrinsic properties and preserves the structure of the configuration space. A balance between computational bandwidths and prediction quality is established with a Neural Networks-driven model which can be used for real-time applications. Furthermore, the dissertation explores the use of Reinforcement Learning techniques, Attractor Dynamics approach, and the Execution Extended Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees method for an untethered magnetically actuated milliscale particle.

Hovedfunn (Norwegian)

En utfordring i vaskulærkirurgi er nøyaktig plassering av katetre. Robotiske systemer, spesielt fleksible myke/serie-koblede roboter, kan benyttes for å bistå kirurger under kateterisering ved å tilby sanntidsregistrering, bedre hånd-øyekoordinasjon, og økt fingerferdighet, særlig i dyptliggende områder inne i menneskekroppen. Denne avhandlingen sikter mot å fremme modelleringen og styringen av kateteriseringer koblet med magnetisk aktuering. Hovedfokus er på katetre/guideledninger, dvs. Kontinuum-Manipulatorer (KM). Selv om magnetisk aktuerte katetre/guideledninger er strukturelt enklere enn sammenlignbare enheter, viser slike magnetiske verktøy kompleks mekanisk oppførsel. Denne avhandlingen fokuserer på hvordan disse dynamikkene kan analyseres i potensielt klinisk relevante applikasjoner. Bidragene er todelt og blir presentert i form av to forskningsspørsmål. Denne avhandlingen foreslår tilnærminger til i) modellering av oppførselen til KMs og ii) utforming av styringsalgoritmer for å muliggjøre deres styring. En ny metode blir introdusert for å avlede modeller for komplekse mekanismer med store deformasjoner som tar hensyn til deres iboende egenskaper og bevarer strukturen i konfigurasjonsrommet. En balanse mellom beregningskapasitet og kvaliteten på prediksjonene er oppnådd ved hjelp av en modell basert på nevrale nettverk. Videre utforsker avhandlingen bruken av teknikker innenfor forsterkningslæring, Attractor Dynamics og Execution Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees for en magnetisk drevet partikkel i millimeterskala.

Adjudication Committee

  • Professor Geir Edvin Hovland, University of Agder, Norway
  • Associate Professor Elena De Momi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  • Professor Torsten Bringmann, University of Oslo, Norway


  • Professor Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

  • Associate professor Ole Jacob Elle, The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

  • Professor Jim Tørresen, Department of Informatics, The University of Oslo, Norway

  • Associate Professor Kim Mathiassen, Department of Technology Systems, The University of Oslo, Norway

Chair of defence

Professor Anette Eleonora Gunnæs, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

Candidate contact information



Contact information to Department: Line Trosterud Resvold


Published Feb. 2, 2024 12:58 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 4:34 PM