Exploring nanoscale physics in the electron microscope

Associate Professor Fredrik S. Hage, the Structure Physics section

By allowing high-speed electrons to “collide” with matter we can, by detecting the resulting energies and momenta, gain information on a wide range of physical properties. In the electron microscope, such electrons can be focused into a point smaller than the typical separation of atoms in solid matter, thus allowing for atomic scale analysis. My research is focused on using the electron microscope to explore optical, plasmonic and vibrational properties of nanomaterials, including the role of individual impurities or defects. I will show how these properties have been probed in low-dimensional materials, including atom-by-atom in graphene.

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Fredrik S. Hage is a graduate of the MENA programme at UiO. After having completed his PhD work in 2013 (IFE and UiO), Fredrik moved to the UK to work as a Staff Scientist at the SuperSTEM Laboratory, the EPSRC National Research Facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy, in Daresbury. He stayed there until he moved back to Norway to take up an Associate Professorship at the Department of Physics in 2021.


A light meal will be served from 12.30 (talk starts at appr. 12.45).

Published Aug. 18, 2022 2:27 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2022 2:27 PM