Felleskollokvium: LagLivLab

- Interdisciplinary research for bachelor students

Nigar Abbasova, Domantas Sakalys, Elizabeth Surgucheva & Dag Kristian Dysthe, Dept. of Physics, UiO

rosa kvadrat, blomst i bakgrunnen og bokstavene laglivlab

The “bio-makerspace” LagLivLab has evolved from an idea based on the Sensorama project in FYS3230 to a student driven interdisciplinary research lab supported by the Physics Department, CoE HTH and UiO:Lifescience.

In this talk we will discuss the original intentions, how it has worked out during the first 2 years and possible directions for the future.

LagLivLab has required serious investment of time, equipment and funds. We will present the motivations of both students (of biology and physics), faculty (of medicine and physics) and UiO:Lifescience for initiating, participating and funding LagLivLab. We will also present the student projects, what works and what doesn’t.

About the speakers

Nigar Abbasova: Master student in condensed matter physics interested in biological physics. Active member of LagLivLab since the start of the project. Head of the student board of LagLivLab.

Domantas Sakalys: Master student in condensed matter physics. Main academical interest is quantum technology, but have been working with bioimpedance and bio-actuators in free time. Been active member of LagLivLab for the past three semesters. 

Elizabeth Surgucheva: Bachelor student in Biosciences, and my main interest is biotechnology within sustainability and gene therapy. Member of LagLivLab since April 2022.

Dag Kristian Dysthe: Professor of condensed matter physics at UiO since 2006. My main interests are in the physics of complex systems in geology and biology. Currently my projects focus mostly on biology.

A light meal will be served from 12.30 (talk starts at appr. 12.45)

Published Oct. 17, 2022 8:39 AM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2022 8:44 AM