
Time and place: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Doctoral candidate Azadeh Abravan at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Identification of image and blood based biomarkers in lung cancer"

Time and place: , Lille fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Doctoral candidate Asbjørn Ulvestad at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Solid-state batteries: Challenges and opportunities"

Time and place: , Lille fysiske auditorium (room V232), the Physics buildning

Doctoral candidate MSc Thomas Håbu Qureishy at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Spintronics: On the road to a new Technology"

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Doctoral candidate Lukáš Malina at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Cosmic accelerators and galactic synchrotron radiation"

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Doctoral candidate Parampreet Singh Walia at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" The Higgs particle"

Time and place: , Lille fysiske auditorium (room V232), the Physics buildning

Doctoral candidate  Cecilie Skjold Granerød at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Imaging magnetic and electrostatic fields in the electron microscope "

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus, Aud. 1

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Helga Margrete Bodahl Holmestad at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Einstein's Theory of Relativity""

Time and place: , Lille fysiske auditorium (room V232), the Physics buildning

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Audun Skaugen at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Do the Navier-Stokes equations allow for the emergence of singular flow structures in a finite amount of time?"

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Wei Zhan at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Future directions and applications for semiconductor Electronics"

Time and place: , Pharmacy Building, aud. 1

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Oliver Pabst at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Applications of signal processing in medicine"

Time and place: , Helga Engs Hus, aud. 2

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Heine Nygard Riise at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Semiconductors for power Electronics"

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Laura Franconi at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"The search for neutrino-less double beta decay"

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Physics principles of PET imaging: Factors determining spatial resolution."

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Marit Ulset Nordsveen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"The candela: a psychophysical base unit. Optical radiation and the human eye - photometric and mesopic vision and circadian rhythms."

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, The Geology Building

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Frank Leonel Bello Garrorte at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

 "The importance of nuclear backgrounds in direct detection searches for dark matter"

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Per Filip Lindberg at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Modern Solar cells: Physics and fabrication."

Time and place: , Department of Chemistry - auditorium 3

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Hamed Panahi at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Strain localization in porous rocks"

Time and place: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium (Ø157)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Simon Feigl at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Discovery of Gravitational Waves"