Sweat meter warns patients of dangerously low blood sugar

Some diabetic patients receive no warning before they pass out from low blood sugar. A modern sweat meter could alert patients in time. Biathletes and ME patients might also benefit from the sweat meter.

UNNOTICEABLE SWEAT: "Even simple mental arithmetic can have a big impact on the sweat meter," says scientist Christian Tronstad (right). Photo: Yngve Vogt

After many years with diabetes some patients lose warning symptoms of low blood sugar. It's a very scary condition because they can then lose consciousness or die. Today there are no good instruments that can measure this without the patient pricking themselves with a needle.

In a few years diabetes patients may get help with avoiding dangerously low blood sugar.


Read the whole story in UiO's research magazine Apollon

By Yngve Vogt, Apollon
Published Sep. 16, 2011 9:42 AM - Last modified Oct. 9, 2012 11:09 AM