The JEOL JEM-2100F is optimal for high spatial resolution TEM imaging and diffraction analysis. Providing quick and easy access to structural and chemical studies of wide range of materials, from biomaterials to semiconductor and catalyst.

  • instrumentsSchottky field emission gun (FEG). Energy spread < 0.8 eV (0.6 eV attainable)  
  •  Aligned for 120 and 200 kV
  •  Point resolution (UHR-configuration): 1.9 Å in TEM (at 200 kV)
  •  STEM JEOL HAADF detector and Gatan BF/DF detectors
  •  Electron holography Bi-prism
  •  Oxford X-Max-80 SDD EDS detector, 0.23 srad collection angle
  •  Gatan Orius 200D CCD camera
  •  Gatan Quantum 963 EELS spectrometer
Published Dec. 3, 2020 3:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2020 4:35 PM