4DSpace at the European Space Expo

At the Space Expo at Youngstorget, Oslo (28.08-06.09) we gave three popular-science talks presenting our research. There were a lot of visitors and a successful event!

European Space Expo is organized by the EU Comission

At the Space Expo at Youngstorget, Oslo (28.08-06.09) we gave three popular-science talks presenting our research. There were a lot of visitors including many people from our group!

These were our talks:

Swadesh Patra & Wojciech Miloch - "4DSpace raketter for det turbulente verdensrommet - ny teknologi for romferd" 28.08.15 at 17:30.

Andres Spicher – "Overlev solstormen - romvær og dets konsekvenser", 29.08.15  at 17:00. 

Wojciech Miloch - "Søkelys på verdensrommet: våre instrumenter rundt jorden og ved kometen", 30.08.15 at 16:00.


In addition to the talks we participated in Space Business Meeting that was organized by Abelia and the Norwegian Space Center. 

Here are some photos from the event:

Exposition included interactive displays.

Swadesh gives the talk.

Andres explains the origins of the solar wind.

The audience could ask many questions.

Space Expo was at Youngstorget between 26. August and 06. September 2015.
Published Jan. 16, 2016 7:43 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2016 7:43 PM