10th 4DSpace Numerical Workshop in Oslo

We have successfully completed the 10th 4DSpace Numerical Workshop! Between 16-20 September students from UiO and Kobe University met to Oslo and worked on joint projects to better understand measurements in space.

Discussions duringĀ 10th 4DSpace Numerical Workshop.

Discussions during 10th 4DSpace Numerical Workshop.

This was 10th time when the Norwegian and Japanese students met for the 4DSpace Numerical Workshop to study the interactions of plasma with satellites and rockets by using advanced numerical simulations. International student teams simulated probe measurements in a small satellite. This was a very intensive week, and the work resulted in very interesting, new scientific findings and discussions, and well written study reports.  The weather was also perfect during the whole week, so we could enjoy the early autumn in Oslo! 

Listening to the final presentations.
Participants discussing scientific results with lecturers.


The workshop is a part of the Japan-Norway Partnership Programme which is a research and education collaboration as well as exchange program between Kobe University and University of Oslo. The area of collaboration is space simulations.The programme is funded by DIKU, the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation, through project UTF-2016-long-term/10054.

Published Sep. 25, 2019 4:28 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 4:21 PM