PhD disputation of dr. Magnus F. Ivarsen

Congratulations to dr. Magnus F. Ivarsen who has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Dissipation in the F-Region Ionosphere. Making Sense of the Decay and Subsequent Lifetimes of Turbulent Plasma Structures in the Ionosphere !

Yesterday, 20 September 2021, dr. Magnus F. Ivarsen successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Dissipation in the F-Region Ionosphere. Making Sense of the Decay and Subsequent Lifetimes of Turbulent Plasma Structures in the Ionosphere.
Before the disputation of his thesis, Magnus has given a trial lecture entitled Solar Flares.


It was a hybrid PhD defence, with many people attending in person and several more participating online. Of course, a cake and celebration followed! It was a long and a very successful day!

We congratulate dr Magnus F. Ivarsen with the PhD degree and his outstanding work!


Image may contain: Rectangle, Cake decorating supply, Food, Cake, Wood.

You can read more information on the PhD disputation here.



Published Sep. 21, 2021 9:35 AM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2021 9:49 AM