Resonances in atomic nuclei

The topic of the 2019 summer school in Oslo will be on nuclear resonances. By taking this course, will gain knowledge on resonance phenomena like the giant dipole resonance, the pygmy resonance, and the scissor resonance. You will get an introduction to the theoretical basis, included practical use of codes for numerical calculations, and knowledge on how these phenomena can be studied experimentally.

About this course

The course will be taught as an intensive summer school from June 3rd to June 14th at Blindern Campus, University of Oslo. In order to get credits for the course, a written report specified during the course must be handed in.


  • Muhsin Harakeh (University of Groningen)
  • Luna Pellegri (iThemba Labs)
  • Peter von Neumann-Cosel (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

  • Kristine Sønstevold Beckmann (University of Oslo)

Topics covered

After completing this course you will:

  • have knowledge of different types of nuclear resonances and how these phenomena are interpreted.
  • know the theoretical basis of modern understanding of nuclear resonance phenomena.
  • be familiar with experimental methods of studying nuclear resonance phenomena and can describe these well.


The schedule for the summer school is as shown below. Social activities will take place during the first weekend.

(Clisk to open the schedule in separate window)

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Published June 30, 2021 2:20 PM - Last modified Aug. 3, 2022 6:12 PM