Course content

The shell model for deformed nuclei  (Augusto Macchiavelli)

We will review some of the basic concepts needed to understand the competition between deformation and pairing:

1) The main ingredients of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. A simple Pairing plus Quadrupole model and the emergence of collectivity in nuclei. 

2) The Bohr-Mottelson Collective model. Deformation and rotational motion. Nuclear moments of inertia.

3) Discussion of the Nilsson model, Nilsson diagrams and quantum numbers.   

4) Rotational motion in odd-mass nuclei and the coupling of single-particle and collective angular momenta.  Coriolis interaction and the Particle Rotor Model (PRM).

5) The Cranked Shell Model (CSM), single- and quasi-particle energy levels in the rotating frame and particle alignment. 

Hands on activities:

1) Deducing the Nilsson diagram without calculation and estimating Nilsson wave functions by inspection. Realistic calculations with a Nilsson code . 

2) PRM calculations to interpret (illustrative examples of) deformed nuclei in terms of specific Nilsson excitations and the rotational spectra built on top of them. Strong coupling and Coriolis calculations. Decoupled bands. Electromagnetic properties.

3) CSM calculations, routhians and alignment plots.  Calculation of microscopic moments of inertia.

4)  Spectroscopic factors in the Nilsson strong coupling limit to interpret direct reactions data.


Shell model and astrophysical applications (Werner Richter)

The lectures will commence with an overview of the nuclear shell model and its relevance for modern nuclear structure research. A systematic introduction to the shell-model code NuShellX will be followed by do-it-yourself calculations of fundamental quantities in nuclear physics. The students will then be given a project to calculate the rate and the major contributing resonances of an astrophysical rp-process reaction, which involves a sequence of calculations of energies, spectroscopic factors and electromagnetic transitions.

Published Nov. 25, 2018 6:39 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2018 6:39 PM