
1 Help with Linux 

1.1 Installation

  • Disable secure boot in the bios setup  (to enter the bios, when the computer starts to boot, press F2 on Dell computers, F10 on HP computers).
  • When installing, you can install the updates at the same time. Use the networking icon on the top right to connect to Eduroam.
  • Usually you don't need tailored partitioning, just continue with the defaults

1.2 Use of command line

In Linux, copying is done by marking the text. Mark text by moving the cursor from beginning to end of the text while holding the left mouse-button down. Afterwards, the marked text is pasted into the terminal window by positioning the cursor in the terminal window and clicking the middle mouse-button.

If necessary, the commands can be edited using back-arrow and forward-arrow keys (before you press Enter). You can use Ctrl-A (Hold Ctrl-key down and type an A) to advance to the beginning of the line, and Ctrl-E to move to the end of the line. Ctrl-F does same as forward-arrow, and Ctrl-B does same as back-arrow.

1.3 Connecting to the Internet

A computer must use the network intended for it
Managed by UiO IT-services (OU-IT)

Remote access

Must get security updates Network to use for Wifi Network to use for cable Choice of OS Type of data allowed
Yes Yes Yes Eduroam vlan84 Win10, MacOS, RHEL7/8, Ubuntu

Green, yellow, red

No No Yes Eduroam dot1x Any Green, limited amounts of yellow
No Yes Either case Not available labnet Any Green

IT-managed computers get direct access to UiO resources. Management is available for WIndows10, the three most recent MacOS versions and RedHat Enterprise Linux. There is also rudimentary Ubuntu support. The network to use is Eduroam for wireless and vlan84 for cable. Stationary computers cannot be dual boot.

For a non-UiO-managed computer you must first enable dot1x on your network interface, unless a labnet connection has been provided. Click on the network icon in the upper right corner on the desktop, select "Edit Connections". Double click on the relevant interface (e.g. Wired Connection 1).  Check "Use 802.1x security for this connection". Also make sure that Authentication is set to PEAP.

1.4 Information security - IMPORTANT

Information security is very important and the department insists that you comply with the requirements of the UiO IT-services as regards self-managed computers. Among other things, it is a UiO requirement that you install software security updates frequently and use very good passwords.  A break in on your computer can lead to serious problems for UiO as a whole, and not only for your computer/files. Please do not enable remote login, webservers or other server-type of services. If you cannot avoid it, install the packages intended to prevent bruce force attacks. And set up the firewall to accept connections from relevant ips only.

1.5 Access UiO-resources indirectly 

The examples below are command based (run in Terminal).

Mount your personal UiO folder

Issue the following lines in a terminal window, to set things up for later:

 sudo  apt-get  install  sshfs


 mkdir  uiohome

Then use two commands every time, to establish the direct access connection:


 sshfs   $    uiohome

where the text '$USER' should be replaced with your UiO username. You will be asked to provide a password; type in your UiO password. The files and subfolders in your UiO homefolder will afterwards be directly available in the folder named 'uiohome'.

Print to a UiO network printer

To print to the printers that can read your keycard, please use the following webpage:

Indirect UiO backup

Files on your local harddrive are NOT protected. If the disk breaks down your data are in most practical cases lost. To avoid data loss, please keep a copy of the most important data (such as personally authored documents) in your UiO homefolder -- this is the way you achieve indirect UiO backup.

The UiO homefolder is not suitable for storing huge amounts of data, please contact to request a new storage area.

Using Microsoft Windows from Linux

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Published Oct. 30, 2014 2:57 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 12:27 PM