Norwegian version of this page

Completion of the Master's degree

Completion of the Master's degree consists of submitting the Master's thesis and conducting a public presentation with an examination afterwards.

Deadline for submission

The ordinary deadline for submission is May 15. The deadline for submission of your thesis is registered in Studentweb. Your thesis must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to your final exam. Your supervisor is responsible for finding an external examiner, and for coordinating the time for the exam.

Submission of your master’s thesis

Before your deadline you must do as follows:

1. Submit your Master's thesis via the digital exam system Inspera. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the system in good time

We strongly recommend that you log in and test the system before you are to submit your thesis.

2. Submit your Master’s thesis to the Open Research archive at the University of Oslo, DUO, via StudentWeb within the deadline set in your Master’s agreement. Please see the Library web site for instructions. This website also includes information regarding restriction of access to your thesis. 


Printing of thesis

You are not required to submit a paper version of your thesis to the Department of Physics. 

The Department of Physics will pay for printing of 4 copies if you would like to have your thesis printed for your own use. In order to have your expenses covered you need to order printing from the Graphic Centre at the University of Oslo, see further instructions.  Please use cost centre 15100000 and sub-project 102424009. 


The final presentation and exam

The final exam consists of a public presentation of your thesis and an examination. The presentation shall last for 30 minutes, and you are responsible for giving an overview of the thesis. The presentation should be at a level which allows masterstudents in other research groups at the Department of Physics to understand. The presentation is followed by an examination/conversation with the examiners. Your supervisor(s) will also be present. The presentation and the examination can have an impact on your final grade.

Information about the time and place of your presentation will be published on the Department’s website.


Your diploma will be issued by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences when you have passed your final exam. You will find the digital diploma as a digitally signed pdf in the document archive in Studentweb. You can also share it with others via the Diploma Registry.

Published May 10, 2020 6:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2024 4:20 PM