events - Page 58

Time and place: , Lille fys aud
Time and place: , Lille fys aud
Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

"Mapping and Predicting the Aurora"

Professor Patricia Reiff, Rice University

Time and place: , Ø 157 (Lille aud øst)

Joint seminar of the Theory group and the AMCS group

Speaker: Professor Constantino Tsallis, Brazilian Center for Physics Research and National Institute of Science and Tech  

Time and place: , Lille fysiske auditorium

Tittel: “DFT Study of Sodium Cobaltate Na 0.75 Co 1-y TMyO2

Time and place: , Store fysiske auditorium

Tittel: Memcapacitance in human skin

Time and place: , Store fysiske auditorium

Tittel: "Suppression of acoustic feedback by frequency shifting"

Time and place: , V414

Nucleation processes in porous media: method development and experimental study of frost damage in trees

Time and place: , LilleFy

Flow cytometry methods for DNA and protein analysis using T-47D and T98G human cancer cell lines in vitro

Time and place: , 301

Treghetsnavigasjon med smarttelefon

Time and place: , LilleFy

Growth and modeling of ZnO and the characterization of epitaxal thin films by means of synchrotron radiation

Time and place: , LilleFy

Inhomogeneous universe models

Time and place: , LilleFy

Structural investigation of crystalline systems utilizing synchrotron X-ray radiation

Time and place: , LilleFy

Nivåtetthet og gammastyrkefunksjon for kjernene 111,112Cd

Time and place: , Ø467

Noninvasiv pH-måling ved bruk av hjertelungemaskin

Time and place: , LilleFy

Studies of quantum dots

Time and place: , 301

Analyse av akkumulatorsystem ved Akershus EnergiPark

Time and place: , LilleFy

The interaction between fluid induced mineral reactions and deformation in eclogite facies amphibolite and shear zones, Bergen Arcs

Time and place: , LilleFy

MR-basert perfusjonsanalyse; Metodiske aspekter og parametervalg

Time and place: , 301

Parameter identification in an inertial navigation system

Time and place: , 401, Kjeller

Path capacity estimation for measurement-based admission control in military IP networks

Time and place: , 301

MEMS-basert nordsøker

Time and place: , LilleFy

Investigation of electronic and structural properties of silicon solar cell contacts

Time and place: , LilleFy

Alignment and sample preparation of conductive polymer/carbon nanocone adhesives for TEM