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Information for New Master Students at the Department of Physics

Many students in front of old university building
Photo: UiO

Programme web-pages:

All programme students are expected to check the programme webpage on a regular basis as the administration will publish relevant information there.


All master students will have their own email address at UiO. You are expected to check this email on a regular basis as the administration sends important information by email. If you choose to use your own e-mail address we recommend that you forward emails from your UiO address to your private address, which can be done in brukerinfo.

More information about UiO email.

Contact persons for the programmes:

All master students will have a contact person in their programme option. He or she will help new students on the way and also help find a supervisor and master thesis.

Contact persons

Compulsory Health, security and enviroment courses (Physics and Computational Science):

For students with admission to the master's program in Computational Science the following courses are compulsory:

For students with admission to the master's program in Physics the following courses are compulsory:

Supervisor and thesis

We recommend that you use the first three weeks to find a supervisor and possibly also a thesis. Postponing this until the deadline means finding a supervisor amidst course hand-ins and exams, which is stressful and unnecessary. 

Helpful sourses include:

Potential topics and Submitted thesis as well as your contact person.



Part-time studies

If you are considering part-time studies, you must apply to the program board as quickly as possible after admission, or as soon as you know your progression rate has been changed. Applications for part-time studies after students have started to work part-time will not be granted after the deadline.

Read more about part time studies.

Finished courses before admission that are supposed to be part of theoretical curriculum?

If you have already fineshed courses, before admission, that are to be a part of your theoretical curriculum, this will normally give a subtraction in time regarding deadling for the master thesis. Courses that are given as requirements in your admission letter will likewise give an addition in time. All requirements must be finished within 12 months after admission to the program.

Form for agreement/plan


Published Sep. 17, 2019 10:12 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 3:24 PM