Tidligere arrangementer - Side 9

Tid og sted: , Origo | Entropia | the Physics Building

Leave the lunch box at home - the "Felleskollokvium" is back.

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, ground floor, Klaus Torgårds vei 3

All who want to join the application process for funding of interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – have to join at least one  workshop in September. The registration deadline is 22 August.

Tid og sted: , OAC, Crete

The International Conference on new Frontiers in Physics aims to promote scientific exchange and development of novel ideas in science with a particular accent on interdisciplinarity.

July 4-12 | Crete, Greece

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Master of Science Wei Zhan at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Band gap mapping of alloyed ZnO using probe-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS"

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Wei Zhan at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Future directions and applications for semiconductor Electronics"

Tid og sted: , Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen

Welcome to the 14th Nordic Meeting on Nuclear Physics!

The meeting in Norway will be next in the series of conferences which have been held every few years since the 1970’s with the location rotating between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The 13th Nordic Meeting was organized in Saariselkä, Finnland in April 2015. 

Tid og sted: , pharmacy building, aud. 2

Master of Science Oliver Pabst at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Electrical properties of human skin: From linear recordings of exogenous electrodermal activity to non-linear memristor measurements"

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Pharmacy Building, aud. 1

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Oliver Pabst at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Applications of signal processing in medicine"

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs Hus, aud. 2

Master of Science Heine Nygard Riise at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Materials and junctions for a novel oxide solar cell"

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs Hus, aud. 2

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Heine Nygard Riise at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Semiconductors for power Electronics"

Tid og sted: , Hagen 2, Forskningsparken

Prøveforelesning for professorstilling i TEM: The microscopic and macroscopic models of an ideal gas

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Master of Science Laura Franconi at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Insertable B-Layer integration in the ATLAS experiment and development of future 3D silicon pixel sensors"

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Laura Franconi at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"The search for neutrino-less double beta decay"

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs Hus

Master of Science Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Quantitative 18F‐FDG positron emission tomography in radiotherapy of lung cancer"

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Physics principles of PET imaging: Factors determining spatial resolution."

Tid og sted: , Faros, Toppsenteret i Forskningsparken

2 av 3 prøveforelesninger for professorstilling i transmisjons-elektron-mikroskopi (TEM).

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Master of Science Marit Ulset Nordsveen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

The dual-mode detector – development of a self-calibrating primary standard for optical power measurement

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Marit Ulset Nordsveen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"The candela: a psychophysical base unit. Optical radiation and the human eye - photometric and mesopic vision and circadian rhythms."

Tid og sted: , Aud. 3, Kjemibygningen

Nina J. Edin holder prøveforelesning i forbindelse med intervju for 1. amanuensisstilling i Biofysikk og medisinsk fysikk.

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium

Master of Science Frank Leonel Bello Garrote at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“Studies of single-particle and collective properties of nuclei

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, The Geology Building

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Frank Leonel Bello Garrorte at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

 "The importance of nuclear backgrounds in direct detection searches for dark matter"

Tid og sted: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium

Prof. em. Alv Egeland holder foredrag om Birkeland.

Kakeservering og bokpresentasjon!

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium

Master of Science Per Filip Lindberg, at Department of Physics, will be defending the thesis 

“Zinc Oxide/Cuprous Oxide and the Interfaces With Silicon for Solar Cell Applications

for the degree of PhD

Tid og sted: , Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232)

Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Per Filip Lindberg at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Modern Solar cells: Physics and fabrication."

Tid og sted: , Department of Chemistry - auditorium 2

Master of Science Hamed Panahi at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“Maturation processes and simulation of fracturing and flow of organic substances from immature shales and consequence on primary migration

for the degree of PhD