Radiosensitivity of different layers of HT29 spheroids after irradiation with x-rays

Ilektra Kalaitzidou, Department of Physics, UiO

Fundamental theory of radiobiology:

cell cycle, DNA damage by x-rays (direct/indirect action), DNA repair processes (double strand break repair), target theory and survival curves, spheroid formation (cell adhesion), hypoxia.

Experimental methods:

(HT29 cell line: colorectal denocarcinoma). Monolayer and spheroid cultures, irradiation,  trypsinizing, single cell seeding and colony counting.

Results and conclusions:

Comparison of survival curves between monolayers and whole spheroids, comparison of survival curves between 4 different layers of spheroids (surface, layer 2nd , layer 3rd , core), comparison between survival curves from the same layers just after irradiation and 18 hours after irradiation. Presentation of histograms/hitogram data of the layers at 0 and 18 hours after irradiation.


Publisert 14. sep. 2016 14:38 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2016 15:03