General meeting for Fysisk Fagutvalg (FFU) at the Department of Physics may 2022

GENERAL MEETING for Physics Student Union (FFU) at Department of Physics may 20th 2022.

During this meeting we will vote in new members to the board of FFU along with other studentrepresentatives. We will of course serve pizza and soda! Press going on the event so we know how much we should order.

Date: Wednesday 20.05.2022
Time: 16:15-17:00 (with reservation that it can be longer)
Place: Ø434

At this meeting all students at the Department of Physics at UiO have voting rights, and can present themselves as candidates. All memebers of FFU must participate at the constituting meeting after the general meeting.

As a member of FFU you have the opportunity to affect the everyday study environment at the Department of Physics, and use Lille Fysiske Lesesal (Lillefy). We'd like motivated students who want to do something for the student- and professional environment at UiO. The purpose of FFU is to safeguard and promote the interests of the students at the Department of Physics in accordance with the management of the Department, the faculty and the University in Oslo as a whole. The union (FFU) is a student organisation by students, for students at the Department of Physics.

At this general meeting we will elect with studentrepresentatives for the program councils of Physics master, Computational Science master, Physics and Astronomy bachelor, and ELITE bachelor along with two male studentrepresentatives for the department board (one principal and one deputy).

The department board is the department's highest decision-making organisation. The board adopts overall goals, priorities and strategies for the department. The board handles, among others, cases within the following fields:
    - Budget
    - General plans, principles and priorities for the drift, embodied in long-term plans, such as a strategic plan and professional priorities for the department.
    - Approval of accounts and annual report is one of the board's instruments for following up on the business.
    - Recommendations in permanent, scientific positions where the faculty is the appointing authority.

The program councils shall ensure that the teaching is given at all times in accordance with the current study plan, program plan and learning objectives. They have at least one meeting during the semester.

Proposal for agenda:

1. Approval of notice

2. Approval of agenda

3. Election of chairman and referent

4. Election of two persons to sign the meeting report

5. Statuette changes - discussion and voting

6. Orientation

        a) Semester report spring 2022

        b) Members spring 2022

        c) Internal committees spring 2022

        d) External committees and boards spring 2022

        e) Economy spring 2022

7. Election of the board of FFU

        a) Leader

        b) Deputy leader

        c) Secretary

8. Election of representatives to the department board

        a) Male representatives - principal and deputy (one year)

        b) Female representatives - principal and deputy (one year)

9. Election of representatives to the program councils (one year)

        a) ELITE bachelor - principal and deputy

        b) FA bachelor - principal and deputy

        c) Physics master - principal and deputy

        d) Computational Science master - female and male, principal and deputy

10. Registration of representatives and new members

11. Other

Best regards,

Physics Student Union

Publisert 6. mai 2022 13:33 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2022 09:06