Tidligere arrangementer - Side 22


Master of Science Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Quantitative 18F‐FDG positron emission tomography in radiotherapy of lung cancer"

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Physics principles of PET imaging: Factors determining spatial resolution."


2 av 3 prøveforelesninger for professorstilling i transmisjons-elektron-mikroskopi (TEM).


Birkeland currents derived from EISCAT measurements: two case studies


Deteksjon av intravaskulære nåleposisjoner ved hjelp av bioimpedans


Torsten Bringmann, FI

Introduction to DarkSUSY on occasion of a recent major release. From around 9.45 there will be some sweets along with coffee. After the overview there will be a hands-on tutorial for those that are interested.


Master of Science Marit Ulset Nordsveen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

The dual-mode detector – development of a self-calibrating primary standard for optical power measurement

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Marit Ulset Nordsveen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"The candela: a psychophysical base unit. Optical radiation and the human eye - photometric and mesopic vision and circadian rhythms."


DCE-MRI Pharmacokinetic Model Optimization and Implications for Brain Cancer Imaging


Nina J. Edin holder prøveforelesning i forbindelse med intervju for 1. amanuensisstilling i Biofysikk og medisinsk fysikk.


Master of Science Frank Leonel Bello Garrote at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“Studies of single-particle and collective properties of nuclei

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Frank Leonel Bello Garrorte at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

 "The importance of nuclear backgrounds in direct detection searches for dark matter"


Improving on a model for antideuteron production


Fast Evaluation of Supersymmetric Cross Sections


Ole Gunnar Johansen, BMF-section, Department of Physics, UiO


Prof. em. Alv Egeland holder foredrag om Birkeland.

Kakeservering og bokpresentasjon!


Stereoscopic Imaging of Dust Density Waves in Microgravity


Krzysztof A. Meissner, University of Warsaw

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Quark-Gluon-String Dynamics in Proton-Proton Collisions and Thermal Production of Hadrons in Heavy-Ion Collisions


Net-relative localization algorithm for fish cage inspection operation


Eirik Malinen, BMF-section, Department of Physics


Master of Science Per Filip Lindberg, at Department of Physics, will be defending the thesis 

“Zinc Oxide/Cuprous Oxide and the Interfaces With Silicon for Solar Cell Applications

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Per Filip Lindberg at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Modern Solar cells: Physics and fabrication."


Impedance Cardiography at Higher Frequencies: A study on the sources of the signal


Richard Ruiz, Durham University

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Master of Science Hamed Panahi at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“Maturation processes and simulation of fracturing and flow of organic substances from immature shales and consequence on primary migration

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Hamed Panahi at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Strain localization in porous rocks"


Master of Science Simon Feigl at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“Novel Pixel-Detector Developments for Upgrades of the ATLAS Central Tracking System at the LHC”

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Master in Physics Simon Feigl at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Discovery of Gravitational Waves"


Douglas Lundholm, KTH Stockholm

Quantum systems confined to planar geometries may exhibit effective particles with unusual statistics, known as anyons. These can be modeled as identical particles (either bosons or fermions) in 2D with magnetic flux attached to them, resulting in a notoriously difficult many-body problem. I plan to review some recent progress on understanding the basic properties of the anyon gas, including its emergence in the fractional quantum Hall setting, the validity of an average-field description for almost-bosonic anyons, as well as rigorous estimates for the ground-state energy of the ideal and the extended gas. The talk will be based on work in collaborations with M. Correggi, R. Duboscq, S. Larson, V. Qvarfordt, N. Rougerie, R. Seiringer and J. P. Solovej.

(The slides will be available here)


Every year in August and January we arrange REAL undervisning (REAL teaching) as a kick-start of the semester with focus on teaching and learning. 

Link to presentations.


Every year in August and January we arrange REAL undervisning (REAL teaching) as a kick-start of the semester with focus on teaching and learning. 


Med nye bachelorprogrammer og økt fokus på kontinuerlig utvikling av undervisningen, inviterer vi igjen til REAL undervisning. Studentene har forventninger til mer aktive læringsformer og universitetene har et ansvar for at studentene skal oppnå best mulig læringsresultater og personlig utvikling.


A Computational Environment for Multiscale Modelling


The 25th Nordic Particle Physics Meeting (Spåtind 2018) will take place at the Thon Hotel in Skeikampen (Norway), from Tuesday, January 2 to Sunday, January 7, 2018.

Conference web page.


Monte Carlo Simulations of Magnetism in LiNiPO4


Cedric Wieland, Durham University

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Vi feirer Kristian Birkelands 150-årsdag på Norsk teknisk museum.


Modelling of cellular high-dose effects in radiotherapy: A comparative analysis of the linear-quadratic and the universal survival curve models for cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix


Cand. Scient. Fred-Johan Pettersen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

"Bioimpedance as a tool in Cardiac resyncronisation therapy"

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Cand. Scient. Fred-Johan Pettersen at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Bionics in biomedical engineering. An overview over the field and the biotechnical issues."


Method for in vitro Cell Irradiation with Low Energy Protons


"Dark Matter Gamma-Ray Signal Searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array"


Unconventional samples and imaging techniques in condensed matter physics



Anne Marit Rykkelid, BMF section, Department of Physics


Master of Science Chengxin Zhao at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis 

“A radiation tolerance study of the ALICE TPC Readout Control Unit 2”

for the degree of PhD


Doctoral candidate Chengxin Zhao at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

"Machine/Deep Learning and Neural Nets — Important techniques valuable for analysis of LHC experiments"


Speeding up ab-initio molescular dynamics with artificial neural Networks


Mauro Valli, INFN Rome

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the seminar series of the Strategic Dark Matter Initiative.