Tidligere arrangementer - Side 7


Kom og se Thomas mot Thomas i Store fy den 27.mars kl. 17.00. Etter filmen blir det liveinnspilling av podkasten God fysikk. Her har podkastvert Ida Storehaug med seg Are Raklev og Anders Kvellestad for å diskutere tolkninger av kvantefysikk.


Sidney Nagel is an Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor
The James Franck Institute, The Enrico Fermi Institute, and the Department of Physics at the The University of Chicago


Azusa Inoue, PhD candidate at Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Japan.


Monthly variability of radio-wave propagation effects on satellite link operating at 20 GHz


Predict Disease Free Survival for Head and Neck Cancer patients using Logistic Regression


Development of a numerical simulation tool to explore thrust vector control on sounding rockets


Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.


Meet up at Physics at the Library for a lecture about how network science is an indispensable tool from physics to medicine by Professor Albert-László BarabásiNortheastern University.


Rellie Goddard is a Postdoc in geology and geophysics at The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.


Welcome to the dScience Breakfast Club, where we invite you to discuss and talk about dScience's new partner program.


Alexis Cartwright-Taylor is an Assistant Professor in Geomechanics at Heriot-Watt University 


Nanoelektronikk inviterer studenter (og andre interesserte) til sensor workshop med gratis lunsj. 


Vi inviterer studenter (og andre interesserte) til sensor workshop med gratis lunsj. Ledende norske sonsorbedrifter vil presentere seg og informere om muligheter for fremtidige relevante jobber. Til slutt minglende lunsj med stands hvor du kan treffe disse.

Registrer her  innen 7. mars kl 12:00, begrenset antall.

Presentasjoner fra workshopen!


Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.


Pre-amplification for electron density measurement in the ionosphere


Joanna Dziadkowieck, Postdoc Njord, UiO and

Paiman Shafabakhsh, Phd Njord, UiO


Felleskollokvium by prof. Erik Adli, Dept. of Physics, UiO


This event has been postponed. New date will be released.


Anne Imig holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering. In 2019 she started her PhD studies at the Technical University of Munich which she is currently finishing.


Mattia L. Mazzucchelli is a Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. 


Sender/mottaker svitsj for ekkolodd med PIN-diode


Welcome to our dScience lunch seminar in the Science Library! This event is open to everyone.


Sarif Khan, University of Göttingen

Weekly Theory Seminar.


The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.


Norges største møteplass for livsvitenskap samler aktørene som skal utvikle en verdensledende helsenæring i Norge.


The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.


Norges største møteplass for livsvitenskap samler aktørene som skal utvikle en verdensledende helsenæring i Norge.


Arnold Mathijssen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania.


Quantum Extremal Surfaces - A review of possible solutions to the Black Hole Information Paradox


Felleskollokvium by Heidi Sandaker, Head of the Norwegian Center for CERN-related research (NorCC)


Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.


We welcome companies and students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to the matchmaking event. After the event, the students can apply for summer jobs in the companies.


Vi ønsker bedrifter samt studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet og Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet velkommen til matchmakingsarrangement. I etterkant av arrangementet kan studentene søke sommerjobb i bedriftene.


Vivek Prakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, and a secondary faculty in the Departments of Biology, and Marine Biology & Ecology (RSMAS) at the University of Miami. 


Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.


We invite you to an informative webinar on FAIRmat with Claudia Draxl and Christoph Koch from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


Gunnar F. Lange, Cambridge

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Dag Hessen forteller om sin metode for formidling på Formidlingsforum på MN på Realfagsbiblioteket, der du kan møte  kollegaer med interesse for formidling, for gjensidig inspirasjon og erfaringsutveksling.


Design and Test of 16x16 Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Chip with On-Chip ADC in 0.18um Process


Join us for the fourth dScience Brain Talk webinar with guest speakers Anders Hjort and Jamilur Rahman.


Matej Pec is a Victor P. Starr CD Assistant Professor at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences


We invite all levels of students in the Electronics, Informatics and Technology (ELITE) study program (and others that are interested) to company presentations. Do you want to see some possibilities you'll have in the job market? Apply for a summer job? Meet and greet your future self?

Then come and listen and talk to representatives of technology companies in Norway that develop microelectronics and sensor technology!


Johannes Skaar, FI

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Every year in August and January we arrange REAL undervisning and REAL teaching as a kick-start of the semester with focus on teaching and learning. 


Dersom tilbakemeldinger på studentenes læringsarbeid skal fremme læring, må undervisere være bevisste på hvordan tilbakemeldinger gis. I tillegg må studenter være bevisste på hvordan de bruker tilbakemeldingene i sitt eget læringsarbeid. Tilbakemeldinger og formativ vurdering er tett knyttet sammen og er fokus for REAL undervisning denne våren.


We welcome students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to a digital information meeting about the internship programme and the possibility of applying for summer jobs in companies.


Vi ønsker studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet og Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet velkommen til digitalt informasjonsmøte om internshipordningen og muligheten for å søke sommerjobber i bedrifter.


Climate Change in Norway and Effects on Terrestrial and Satellite Link Rain Attenuation