Large Hadron Collider: What, Why and How

Join UK CERN delegate and candidate for CERN Director General for a retrospective of the LHC science and technology, and a look ahead to the new technologies and the science questions at the LHC in the years to come.

In December this year, the CERN Council will make the appointment of Director-General of CERN (currently Fabiola Gianotti (IT)) for the next period, starting January 1, 2026 ( As one of CERN’s 23 member states, Norway has a say in this appointment. 


Mark Thomson (UK) has recently launched his candidacy, and is coming to Oslo the coming Monday, April 29. He will give a seminar at the University in the afternoon, including a Q&A session, starting 15:00:


The title of his talk is «Large Hadron Collider: What, Why and How». In this talk, he will give a retrospective of the LHC science and technology, and take a look ahead to the new technologies and the science questions at the LHC in the years to come. In the Indico link, you can find Thomson's CV and a pamphlet describing his candidacy. 



Publisert 26. apr. 2024 11:27 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2024 11:32