Ny studieretning i CS - Quantum Information Science and Technology

Utkast til tekst til programsidene, av Morten Hjorth-Jensen



TITLE: Computational Science: Quantum Information Science and Technology

AUTHOR: Computational Science program, University of Oslo

DATE: Planned start: Fall 2025



===== Why Quantum Information Science and Technology  =====


Quantum Information Science and Technology is an emerging field with

the potential to produce revolutionary advances in fields of science

and engineering involving computation, communication, precision

measurement, and fundamental quantum science.



===  The Quantum Information Science and technology study option ===


The field of Quantum Information Science and Technology  brings

together two major advances of the 20th century: quantum mechanics and

information technology.


Quantum mechanics is the most accurate theory in science. It describes

the world at its most basic level. Information technology gave rise to

the computer, digital communication and other devices that have

transformed how we live. When we combine quantum mechanics and

information technology we get Quantum Information Science and



Quantum Information Science and Technology will harness the power of

quantum mechanics and bring a radical new era of technology. It will

allow us to do things that are unthinkable or even impossible with

today’s technology. Quantum technologies will fundamentally change

classical engineering paradigms in computing, information processing,

and measurement technology.


With this study option you can deepen your knowledge on quantum

mechanics with a broad range of possibilities, from the mathematics of

quantum information science to quantum engineering and devising

quantum gates and circuits, in close cooperation with experimental




===== Program options CS: Quantum Information Science and Technology =====


===  structure of the option CS: Quantum Information Science and Technology ===


The program option Quantum Information Science and Technology is built

around a Master's thesis, which is an independent scientific research

work of 60 ECTS credits, and six courses with a total of 60 ECTS



The program contains mandatory courses. For general structure and

mandatory requirements, please see the program structure.


=== Recommended courses ===


Courses with a focus on quantum mechanics, quantum information theory and quantum technologies


FYS4110 – Modern Quantum Mechanics

FYS4170 – Relativistic Quantum Field Theory

FYS4415 – Quantum Computing and Quantum Information theory

FYS4480 - Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems

FYS4411 – Computational Physics II: Quantum Mechanical Systems

FYS5419 - Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning

MAT3420 – Quantum Computing

MAT4430 – Quantum information theory

Publisert 8. mars 2024 09:10 - Sist endret 8. mars 2024 09:10