Oliver Pabst

Bilde av Oliver Pabst
English version of this page
Rom V303 (Kjemibygningen)
Besøksadresse Sem Sælands vei 24 Fysikkbygningen 0371 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1048 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Faglige interesser

- Bioimpedance

- Hjerne og nervesystem

- Memristors

- Electrodermal activity (EDA)

- Nonlinear electrical measurements (for example on human skin)

- Electronics

- Plasma

- Sensor technology 


-  Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Dresden University of Technology, Germany

-  PhD in Electronics at the department of Physics at the University of Oslo in 2018

-  PostDoc from 2018 to 2022 at department of Physics at the University of Oslo



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Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 10. mai 2022 18:56 - Sist endret 6. nov. 2023 13:10