Graduation Ceremony 2024

Ett voksent menneske uten 3D-briller
Photo: UiO / Jarli&Jordan

The Department of Physics will organize a simple Graduation Ceremony for master's students who gratuate in 2024. The ceremony will be held i auditorium 3, at Helga Engs house at 18.00, but meet up by the pendulum in the Physics Building at around 17.30, for a simple welcome drink.

There will be a speech from the Department and a speech from the students, and we will hand out a small token.

Students are welcome to bring family and friends. 

Register for the ceremony here.


Fysikkforeningen will organize a barbeque and a outside graduation party, but this is only open for students. This will start at approximately 19.00, after the graduations. To order enough food, we need a separate registration for the BBQ.

Register for the BBQ here.


Any questions about the ceremony can be sent to:


Fysisk institutt
Published May 31, 2024 2:52 PM - Last modified June 10, 2024 1:24 PM