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Laboratory assessment of the measurement performance of the ICI-5 rocket daughter payloads

The ICI-5 rocket will eject 12 "daughter" payloads during its five minute long flight. These "daughters" are the size of ice hockey pucks, and are equipped with Langmuir probes. The objective of this thesis is to study experimentally in the UiO plasma tank how the plasma/object interaction affects the measurement quality of these "daughters".

The ICI-5 (Investigation of Cusp Irregularities-5) is a scientific rocket designed to make measurements in the daytime auroras above Svalbard. Auroras and other space-weather phenomena are known to be closely linked with disturbances in the magnetosphere and ionosphere, which can lead to disturbances in GNSS and other satellite systems. During flight, the rocket will release 12 “daughter”-modules, each equipped with a Langmuir probe instrument, thereby allowing ICI-5 to make a fully 3D measurement of electron density.
Immersed in a plasma the "daughters" will assume a negative potential, which will affects the measurements. T
he aim of this project is to conduct experiments with the daughter modules in the plasma chamber at UiO, investigating the platform potential during operations. Specifically, the effectiveness of an electron emitter will be tested.

Published Jan. 11, 2022 3:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2022 3:38 PM


  • Truls Johnsen

Scope (credits)