Nuclear astrophysics

If you choose a master's thesis in the field of nuclear astrophysics, you have two very exciting years to look forward to! Nuclear astrophysics is for those who want to know how the quantum mechanical world affects and describes the really large objects in the Universe. The life and death of stars, the formation of the chemical elements and how they spread through galaxies all depend on nuclear reaction rates, which in turn depend on the quantum physical properties of atomic nuclei.

As a master's student in this field, you will be able to choose an experimental task where you will be the project manager for an experiment at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory, and be responsible for the experiment and the data analysis afterwards. You can also combine an experimental part with a theoretical/simulation part in the master's thesis. Your everyday life will consist of laboratory work during the period where the experiment is carried out, and then a lot of programming in connection with the data analysis afterwards. If you also choose a theoretical part, you will, depending on your interest and prior knowledge, use programs to calculate reaction rates and preferably also develop your own codes or new modules for existing codes.

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Published Feb. 28, 2024 9:50 AM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2024 9:50 AM


Scope (credits)