Pågående og avsluttede masteroppgaver

Bildet kan inneholde: blå, bærbar datamaskindel, linje, fargerikhet, aqua.

In Computational Physics you learn to use the computer as a laboratory for solving advanced physics problems. Numerical simulations will increasingly dominate our approaches to studying physical systems, in line with the increase in computational capabilities.

Possible applications range from:

  • studying quantum physical systems in nanotechnology and the characteristics of new materials
  • nuclear and particle physics, from lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations to studies of stars and the synthesis of the elements
  • oil flow through various rock strata and storage of CO2
  • physics applications to life science and computational neuroscience
  • semi-conductor technology and simulating quantum computers or
  • combining quantum computing, machine learning and data science to simulate quantum mechanical systems at the smallest length scales.